NRSWA Sign, Lighting and Guarding (01) - Operator (Novice)
This course consists of a questionnaire and practical assessments on the below:
Uunderstanding statutory training requirement for placing signs, cones and barriers on public roads and footpaths
Understanding the requirements of the Safety at Street Works and Roadworks code of practice in relation to Traffic Management requirements in roadworks and utility works
Understand the safety implications of carrying out Street Works, with particular reference to the protection of persons engaged on the works and avoidance of danger to the general public
Understand the need to maintain the free movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic at the site, if the works are to comply with the restrictions imposed by the works and the adoption of safe working practices
Demonstrate the correct layout of appropriate signs, barriers, lamps, warning notices etc. in compliance with the relevant advisory documents
Understand conditions that may require special measures such as the installation of portable traffic signals, traffic diversion, road closure etc
Maintain the correct operation of portable traffic signals and reposition equipment as work
Course Code
Cost per person
Max Participants
2 days